Spine Surgery

If you are suffering from any spine disorders and looking for spine surgery in Chennai, then Bharath Orthopaedics is the perfect destination. Dr. L Bharath is a senior spine surgeon in Chennai who is internationally trained with 15 years of experience in orthopaedic surgery.

What does spine surgery mean?
The spine helps to provide structural support to the human body and acts as a passage to the important nerves in our body. When there is any damage or dislocation to any of the discs, it should be treated immediately by consulting the best spine surgeon in Chennai.

Spine surgery treatment is a complex process that involves orthopaedic and neurological expertise with outstanding standards of care. This is exactly what we provide at Bharath Orthopaedics with the best Spine surgery physiotherapy and healing for immediate recovery.

Anatomy of a Disc
An intervertebral disc is a strong ligament to connects one vertebral bone to another. The discs are the shock-absorbing cushions that are located between each vertebra of the spine.

Each disc has a strong outer ring of fibers, the annulus fibrosus, and the nucleus pulposus.

The annulus is the strongest area of the disc to help the ligament connect with each vertebra together. The nucleus, or center of the disc, is hydrated often to serve as the main shock absorber.

Disc Injury
The annulus can either tear or rupture anywhere around the disc and gives severe back pain. If it tears, and when no disc material is ruptured, an annular tear can be excruciating as the outer fibers carry pain signals frequently. It takes time to heal with scar tissue over a timespan but it is more prone to future tears or injury. If the annulus tears, the central nucleus can squeeze. It is a piece of the disc from the center or exterior portion to break off and extend outward.

A disc herniation is defined as a displacement of disc material that is beyond the normal confining disc space. The other terms include the disc bulge, disc protrusion, disc herniation, ruptured disc, and slipped disc and simply implies that the disc material has left the normal disc space leading to severe back pain, and it can be diagnosed by an orthopaedic surgeon or spine specialist by treating it with simple back pain tests benefits of spine surgery.

Back Pain
Back Pain due to a herniated disc may be diagnosed by the best spine surgeon in Chennai after a complete history and comprehensive physical exam by spine specialists & spine doctors. In addition, several diagnostic tests can be used. Imaging studies at the Virginia Spine Institute are usually the first step in understanding spine pathology.

These include standing and bending X-rays to evaluate spinal alignment, stability, and disc space height. Your Spine doctor will determine whether additional tests are needed. An MRI is the standard imaging to assess disc and nerve pathology. An EMG may be used to determine which specific nerves are involved and the extent of possible nerve damage.

Benefits of spine surgery
If you consult a best spine surgeon in Chennai, they can help you with the following benefits that include:

Pain relief
Increased movements
Faster recovery
Free from muscle damage
Quality of life is improved
Ability to get backed to ordinary life
Spine Surgery Procedures Followed
Under the supervision of our senior specialist Dr. Bharath, we at Bharath Orthopaedics provide improved Spine Surgery and spine treatments of a herniated disc for treating pains without surgery using the following methods:

Physical Therapy
Epidural Steroid Injections
Psychological Treatments
Physical Therapy
The best spine surgeon in Chennai prescribes the Physical Therapy for calming the pain and inflammation, to improve core strength, spinal strength, mobility, coordination, and help achieve routine activities which are termed as range of motion assessment to determine the severity of the patient’s impairment.

Epidural Steroid Injections
An epidural steroid injection is a common procedure to treat irritations of the spinal nerves. It is termed ESI where a small amount of ‘cortisone’ is injected into the spinal canal.

Cortisone is a strong anti-inflammatory medicine which is given to ease pain and decrease nerve inflammation caused by irritated nerve roots. The beginning of the nerve or the nerve root gets irritated by a bulging intervertebral disc, disc contents or ruptured disc or bone spur, directly touches the spinal nerve. Dr Bharath, the best spine surgeon in Chennai states that the treatment is not always beneficial but provides short-term help to decrease the pain.

Psychological Treatments
Coping, relaxation, and distraction are the different skills that are used to help patients to manage their chronic low back pain.

Certain medications are used to alleviate spinal pain, which includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or Aleve, nerve medications, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and opioids. This method is commonly followed by the best spine surgeon in Chennai which can be used to control pain, inflammation, muscle spasm, and sleep disturbance. These can involve steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, pain medications, and muscle relaxers to help to control pain and reduce inflammation.

When do you require spine surgery?
It is advisable to consult the best spine surgeon in Chennai for a proper spine surgery.

If you have persistent pain in both arms and legs
If you feel numbness, muscle weakness, tinglings, or loss of reflexes in extremities.
If you have any increased pressure or irritation of nerves
If you have had extreme neck or back pain with a herniated disc.
If you have failed traumatic spine injuries
Cost for spine surgery in chennai
Many patients are concerned about the cost of spine surgery. Bharath Orthopaedic’s mission is to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. Costs for spine surgery in Chennai vary depending on the severity and type of your condition.